It was good to get that rant out of my system yesterday. I got up this morning and went to PT, to hear the four most beautiful words at a PT session (well, second most beautiful phrase since the first one is 'PT is cancelled') ''At your own pace'. Thank you, God!
So I at-my-own-pace ran the 'little' loop. It took me a while, but greatly to my surprise I was NOT the very last person! Shocker, I tell you! I was second to last, I think. There was an older petty officer back there, somewhere. He never passed me, therefore I was not last, right? I ran and I ran and I ran... I got farther than I did on Monday without stopping, much to my happiness. I was still hella far back, and still providing 'motivation' for the other people near the back. If it looked like I was about to catch up, they took off.
It's weird, really. Despite that rant and the fact that I'm dreading getting up at oh-dark-thirty tomorrow morning too, I don't have the special terror of running that I once did. Maybe it helped that Warrant didn't yell at us today. Somebody in the back was yelling, but it wasn't as frightening.
And then, at the very end, I got some good news. Warrant asked who was planning to bike or elliptical and told us that we would start machine PT on Monday. Thank you, thank you God! Finally! The bad news- and it's not very bad, is that apparently they supervise the bike/elliptical very strictly here so you can't get away with half-assing your pushups or situps. I'm not too worried about that. I'm good with both and I can only improve. And I will improve. Life has taken a dramatic turn for the better with regards to PT. When it comes to other Div. things, still not so much. But I got a lot of useful things done today and will continue to do lots of useful things tomorrow, hopefully. I need to make a list so I don't forget anything important...
And I'm now 4k behind on my AugWriMo...
I'll fix it...
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