Monday, August 16, 2010


So I should be working on the WriMo, but I don't want to. I've been reduced to having a character of mine work in thinly disguised bits of real world history. None of these characters have turned out quite the way I thought they would. And honestly my attention is kind of being stolen by the party in the back of my brain that claims that they ALL fell down some stairs and hit themselves upside of the head on both sides. Really. Dangerous stairs in this port. Very dangerous stairs. Except for the one clever cloggins who insists that he hit himself repeatedly while drunk. Nothing to see here, sir. Nothing at all.
They intrigue me. They really do.
But I will be strong! I will stick to one story at a ti- oh we know how well that's worked in the past... But really. Tonight I will break 10k if it kills me. And then I just have 20k more to go because I'm not going for the big 5-0. I couldn't, not now anyway. Maybe in September if I'm still stuck on the 'let's weed with screwdrivers' team. So now, I shall stop procrastinating and get back to work!
Oh, for any amongst the readership that cares, the whole babysitting thing this weekend went off well and without a hitch. Much fun and ever so grateful to be single and childless still!

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